Tuesday, July 28, 2009

7 Days

In exactly 1 week I will be in Philadelphia along will all my fellow PC trainees preparing for our next to years in Uganda. Amazing.
I don't really have much to write about now, but I can pretty much guarantee something interesting within the next few months.
Right now I can just imagine what it will be like: the beauty of the country, the hospitality of the people, and all the new friends I'm traveling half way the world to meet.

Until next time.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just Around the Bend

My Peace Corps adventure is about to begin. I know these next few weeks are going to fly by and at the beginning of August I will be flying as well. I know my biggest challenge will deciding exactly what to take and what I will foresee needing for the next 2 years (not that I won't have access to items).
I am seriously considering not taking my laptop; it would be one less relatively expensive item I would not have to keep track of. That just means more paper to write everything needing recorded. Any other thoughts?
I will be getting my hair chopped within the next week. I am so glad I visited my undergraduate professors...needed to hear the practical side that I seemed to be overlooking: shorter hair=less water required to wash.

Until later.